Your donation will go towards Soi Dog’s efforts to help neglected and abused animals across Asia.
The information you provide to Soi Dog Foundation will be treated with respect and used in line with your instructions on this form. We will also use your information for analysis and administration purposes. Further information about how we protect and use your personal data is available in our Privacy Policy.

Soi Dog Foundation has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the world's largest and most utilised independent nonprofit evaluator.
This is a crisis situation. We have reached 1,600 animals under our care and the situation will soon become unsustainable if we don’t act immediately. Since January 2021, 204 animals have become permanent residents at our Phuket shelter. Without your help, there won’t be enough space, staff or medications to keep these animals at the shelter. Please make your urgent donation now.
In the last 12 months thanks to the kindness of people like you, new enclosures were built to provide shelter for all the innocent abandoned, injured and abused animals, who have suffered the consequences of the global health crisis. But the crisis is not over. More and more animals are coming through our doors in desperate need, and we will never turn a blind eye to them.
Will you please make a life-changing donation today?
Rex was abandoned when he was just a puppy and left to fend for himself. He then got stuck in a snare trap and needed his leg amputated to survive. Could you imagine sending him back to the streets after all he has suffered? We cannot let this happen.
The sad reality is that there will soon not be enough room, food, staff or medications for animals like Rex at our shelter. The only hope these animals have is you. They need your help right now.