Your kindness changes lives
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Any excess funds raised will go towards helping other neglected animals where it is needed most.

Soi Dog Foundation has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the world's largest and most utilised independent nonprofit evaluator.
The latest from Ukraine - 24.06.22
Since the very beginning of this terrible conflict, your donations have truly been life-changing for the animals and refugees of Ukraine.
Since our last update in May 2022, four relief missions into Ukraine have been successfully completed by brave staff from our trusted partner organisation TOZ - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to help the animals who were left behind in the rubble of the conflict. Over 2,000 animals have been reached so far with vital food and medication supplies. Through their emergency clinic on the border with Poland, their relief missions into Ukraine, and their mobile sterilisation and vaccination unit, TOZ have been able to help over 12,000 animals in need so far.
Your donations have also enabled TOZ to implement a mobile mass sterilisation programme, which sees an average of 100 animals come through every day, accompanied by their owners and rescuers. Thanks to you, all these animals can receive basic medical care, vaccinations, food and other pet supplies such as collars and leashes. Without the precious support of people like you, none of this would have been possible.
Not only did these desperate animals receive urgent medical attention to heal their physical wounds, TOZ was also able to employ a full-time behaviourist at their Celestynow shelter to help them overcome the immense psychological trauma caused by the conflict.
Today we are happy to share that three of these dogs have been adopted by loving families in Poland. It's heart-warming to know they are now safe, and will never have to worry again about finding food or a place to sleep.
Sadly, this is not the end. We will continue to support TOZ to ensure every animal in need receives food, medication and essential veterinary care.
In addition to our support to TOZ, we are now providing essential funding to the trusted and reputable Save The Dogs in Romania, who have been able to establish a safe corridor to 11 shelters around bombed Odessa, Ukraine. They will be delivering over 100 tonnes of much-needed food to the animals living in the one of the most devastated areas of the country. Thanks to your support, they will be able to provide critical supplies for the next three months to thousands of abandoned and starving animals in a region that many organisations have been unable to reach.
You have already done so much for the animals and refugees of Ukraine, but if you wish to further support our efforts to deliver food and provide urgent veterinary care, please make your donation today.